5 tips to get through Maycember

What a crazy time of year.  I love this new coined phrase 'Maycember' - it grasps the concept perfectly.  Between the performances, school parties, end of 'year' celebrations, graduations, events, birthday parties, end of spring season sports, beginning of summer season sports.  It's always these overlaps of seasons that just do me in, especially with 3 kids and hilarious farm animals to tend to.  

The daily chores seem to get neglected this time of year which doesn't help when someone needs a clean outfit that's been sitting in the laundry room since last week.  Or that uniform that was worn 2 days ago, but we haven't had a minute to breathe much less do laundry.  We're lucky we ate dinner yesterday before our heads hit the pillow.  

I've been working on my fitness this season and just because the schedule gets busier, I don't want to neglect my goals too.  But when 3pm hits, all I want to do is take a nap - except I need to get my kids from school.  And that's when the real work begins.  

Here are my 5 tips that I am constantly reminding myself of in this season, and especially this month.

1.  Drink more water.  

The afternoon slup sneaks up on me and I lose productivity. I’ve been adding LMNT to my water to help me drink more of it and it really does make a difference.

2. Prioritize Good Sleep

While a consistent bedtime is good, did you know adding magnesium to your diet can help you with sleep? This is a must this time of year.

3. Strategic Planning

Yea, ok, we all want to plan better, but here’s your friendly reminder that it’s ok to drop one or two of the things on your list if it’s not a priority right now.  Know your priorities and plan accordingly.  

4. Don't do it all.

Especially now. It’s ok to say NO to some of the chaos this time of year to protect you and your family’s sanity.  If doing all the things gives you life, then can we be friends and can I ask you to help me with some things?

5.  Make it fun.  

Make sure you’re actually enjoying this season and take time to do the FUN things. Not everything needs to be work, after all.  My son loves a quiet night of board games.  We're making time for that.  

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